JEFF KRILL Senior Director, Law Enforcement & National Security
Jeff Krill, Senior Director of the Law Enforcement and National Security Division at Oak Grove Technologies, brings a highly qualified tactical background with extensive operational experiences. He is a retired FBI Agent with over 21 years of service, and he served for over 16 years on the FBI Hostage Rescue Team as an Assaulter, Assault Team Leader, Section Leader, Master Breacher and XO of the HRT breaching program. He is also a graduate of the FBI Hazardous Devices School as a Bomb technician. Jeff has extensive real-world tactical experiences from some of the highest profile cases that have occurred domestically and internationally in the past decade, and was awarded the FBI Medal of Valor. While assigned to HRT he conducted personnel security details for the FBI Director and the US Attorney General during foreign travel to high threat areas. He participated in multiple deployments to Iraq to include over 100 direct support missions to action wanted individuals and sensitive sites exploitations (SSE’s).